Brandtech Group finally closes its acquisition of Jellyfish as French investor Fimalac comes along for the ride

After 10 months of courtship, marketing tech holding company The Brandtech Group finally completed its acquisition of Jellyfish, a digital media and marketing group with global reach that Brandtech didn’t have. The newly beefed up company plans to take another step toward winning more business from the giant marketers that roam the Earth.

Put together, the firms tally up some 7,000 employees globally and generate some $1 billion in revenue, according to Brandtech Group’s founder and CEO David Jones, who said the company essentially has two core models sitting above a unified technology platform: an in-housing model through its Oliver content creation shop, and then Jellyfish’s end-to-end integrated model.

“It gives us two really compelling core offers, because not everyone wants the same thing. Some people want it all joined up, [and] some people want it in house,” said Jones. “I think the one thing that is absolutely consistent is, everybody wants to deliver content better, faster and cheaper using tech.”

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