A Guide For Marketers: Does ChatGPT Violate Compliance Rules and Policies

A Guide For Marketers: Does ChatGPT Violate Compliance Rules and Policies

Understand what happens when you enter your data into ChatGPT

The fuss around artificial intelligence(AI) has recently been the bone of contention. In fact, AI is disrupting virtually all sectors. Imagine if we get to a point where AI does all your tasks for you. Funny right? 

And you’d ask–what would be left for me to do? Sure, you’d still have to feed yourself and, perhaps, take your bath yourself. Who assigns those to AI? We’re at such an exciting point in the world, and one of the generative AI tools making rounds recently is ChatGPT.

 It’s all over the news. ChatGPT provides answers to your queries. Talk of a tool for writing; it is also helpful for writing marketing copy, and computer codes.

With further advancements and upgrades, it can generate text, images, and other forms of content that are more or less the same as human-generated content. 

Many experts believe ChatGPT is non-compliant and violates compliance rules and policies. Could this be true? Let’s take a ride into the full details.

In this article

Does ChatGPT Violate Compliance Rules and Policies?

No doubt, ChatGPT is an impressive technology. Talk of an incredible tool to process natural language. It is reliable to automate diverse types of communication. 

As much as ChatGPT offers tremendous benefits, its advent has also spurred concerns around it, and that’s normal with any new technology. Questions surrounding its safety and legality exist, particularly on data privacy and intellectual property rights. 

ChatGPT’s company, OpenAI, is located in California. As a matter of fact, it recognizes the California Consumer Privacy Act(CCPA) on its privacy policy page. OpenAI states that California residents have “the right to know the Personal information it collects and how it is used and disclosed. 

They also have the right to request deletion of their personal information and to be free from discrimination relating to exercising any privacy right.” Here are the questions on the lips of users. 

Who gets the Copyright for content generated by ChatGPT?

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has questioned intellectual property (IP) law. Questions like–who owns the content generated by ChatGPT, and how should the content be managed and protected?

Should ChatGPT be tagged as the original content creator for copyright purposes, and should it be entitled to the same IP protections as human creators? To further clarify this stance, ChatGPT itself has this to say:

“As an AI language model, I don’t have legal ownership or copyrights over the content I generate. The right of the content I produce would depend on the specific use case and context in which it was created.

In general, the ownership of the content is determined by the person or organization who created the input prompt or provided the data to generate the content

Additionally, the legal implications of using the content I generate will depend on the specific laws and regulations in the relevant jurisdiction. It is essential to consult a legal expert for advice on any particular legal issues related to content generated by AI models like me.”

However, Experts in the legal domain have come out to say ChatGPT, as a generative AI, is capable of copyright infringement and has the potential to face legal challenges. On the other hand, other experts maintain that anything created by generative AI systems is legally above any lawsuit. 

Should Privacy Policy be an issue?

Think about this–each time you insert prompts for ChatGPT to provide answers to, you hand over sensitive information to the chatbox. You’re taking a huge risk there. Your inputs are now part of ChatGPT’s database. 

Moreover, your prompts can also be used to further train the tool and guide similar prompts from other persons. According to ChatGPT’s privacy policy, it stores users’ IP addresses, browser types and settings, and data on users’ interactions with the tool. 

As part of its policies, OpenAI states that it could share users’ personal information with unspecified third parties without informing them, so it can meet its business objectives.

Suppose you have confidential business information restricting usage and insert such information into ChatGPT. In that case, the restrictions could be violated by a third party. 

Trade secret laws are simply to be kept as secrets. However, inserting such information into ChatGPT may expose and weaken your company’s position. 

Implications for Marketers

Suppose, as a company, your customers’ interaction with ChatGPT needs to be made made known. Say, one of your clients receives a document generated by ChatGPT from your company, you risk a chance to get claims of unfair or deceptive practices under state or federal law. 

However, this is dependent on the circumstance. Your customers could be enraged if they paid for the content and later discovered ChatGPT generated it. 

As a marketer, consider how much you want to use ChatGPT in connection to your jobs. Weigh the efficiency you can attain using ChatGPT to perform tasks such as writing emails, routine letters, or generating simple reports.

One thing is sure–ChatGPT is not going away anytime soon. In fact, we anticipate its upgrades as time goes on. Marketers will need to address its use because subsequent versions will get better. Despite its risks, marketers can also leverage its benefits. 

Again, marketers must be aware of the terms and conditions set by OpenAI, take the necessary steps to protect data privacy, and avoid using the tool for illegal activities or infringing on intellectual property rights. 

ChatGPT—what’s next?

ChatGPT has proven to be a revolutionary tool. You’d agree that with it, we now have the features of a search engine in a chatbot. This will change the face of so many things we do. 

Even while it is clear that OpenAI is a private, profit-making company and does not necessarily have the interests of the larger society at heart, it is, therefore, imperative that the compliance policies and privacy risks attached to ChatGPT serve as warnings. Marketers should be careful about the information they share in its chatbox.

Author’s Bio

 Ale Oluwatobi Emmanuel is a freelance SEO content writer for B2B SaaS and technology brands with several published by-lines on notable tech websites.

Linkedin–Ale Oluwatobi E’


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