As of 2024, prominent “Super Smash Bros.” player Juan “Hungrybox” Debiedma has been a member of Team Liquid for over 10 years. The decade-plus collaboration shows how gaming creators have benefited from esports organizations’ long-term approach to talent management.
Last month marked Debiedma’s tenth year as a member of Team Liquid, a Dutch esports organization that boasts a worldwide fan base. After joining the team in April 2014, he spent years as the world’s best “Super Smash Bros. Melee” player, then leaned into content creation to grow his following on Twitch to nearly 500,000. In 2021, he became a part-owner of Team Liquid after purchasing a minority stake in the company.
At the moment, Debiedma is one of the longest-tenured creators on the roster of any major esports organization. To learn why he’s stuck with Team Liquid for so long, Digiday spoke to the Twitch streamer for an annotated Q&A.
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